The invention of the computer in the 20th century is definitely one of the most important, if not even the most important inventions of the human kind. To the galaxy probably the most important invention, as it gives out the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything; that is 42. The ideas to the invention of the computer rose in 1930’s and 1940’s in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. So there is clearly not just one inventor. In Germany Konrad Zuse came up with the idea of building a program-controlled calculating machine which would deal with extensive calculations. Similar developments were progressing in the USA as well, by Howard H. Aiken. The first two computers were invented in Great Britain by Frederic C. Williams, however the first program was ran by Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University on 6 May 1949 computing a table of square numbers. Computers are used and are helpful for a variety of reasons; primarily they are very useful for information and communication world wide. With the development of the computer came the development of the www (Internet), and this eased the information storage, and clearly communication. Computers are also used for various other reasons such as: mainly for developing new technologies, programs, softwares, such as engineering or designing softwares, the completion of this assignment, as well as for many other things.
The most awesome computer (below)
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